The module defines the global constants including Deephaven’s special numerical values. Other constants are defined at the individual module level because they are only locally applicable.
- MAX_BYTE = 127¶
Maximum value of type byte.
- MAX_CHAR = 65534¶
Maximum value of type char.
- MAX_DOUBLE = inf¶
Maximum value of type double.
- MAX_FINITE_DOUBLE = 1.7976931348623157e+308¶
Maximum finite value of type double.
- MAX_FINITE_FLOAT = 3.4028234663852886e+38¶
Maximum finite value of type float.
- MAX_FLOAT = inf¶
Maximum value of type float.
- MAX_INT = 2147483647¶
Maximum value of type int.
- MAX_LONG = 9223372036854775807¶
Maximum value of type long.
- MAX_SHORT = 32767¶
Maximum value of type short.
- MIN_BYTE = -127¶
Minimum value of type byte.
- MIN_CHAR = 0¶
Minimum value of type char.
- MIN_DOUBLE = -inf¶
Minimum value of type double.
- MIN_FINITE_DOUBLE = -1.7976931348623155e+308¶
Minimum finite value of type double.
- MIN_FINITE_FLOAT = -3.4028232635611926e+38¶
Minimum finite value of type float.
- MIN_FLOAT = -inf¶
Minimum value of type float.
- MIN_INT = -2147483647¶
Minimum value of type int.
- MIN_LONG = -9223372036854775807¶
Minimum value of type long.
- MIN_POS_DOUBLE = 5e-324¶
Minimum positive value of type double.
- MIN_POS_FLOAT = 1.401298464324817e-45¶
Minimum positive value of type float.
- MIN_SHORT = -32767¶
Minimum value of type short.
- NAN_DOUBLE = nan¶
Not-a-number (Nan) of type double.
- NAN_FLOAT = nan¶
Not-a-number (Nan) of type float.
Negative infinity of type double.
Negative infinity of type float.
Null boolean value.
- NULL_BYTE = -128¶
Null byte value.
- NULL_CHAR = 65535¶
Null char value.
- NULL_DOUBLE = -1.7976931348623157e+308¶
Null double value.
- NULL_FLOAT = -3.4028234663852886e+38¶
Null float value.
- NULL_INT = -2147483648¶
Null int value.
- NULL_LONG = -9223372036854775808¶
Null long value.
- NULL_SHORT = -32768¶
Null short value.
Positive infinity of type double.
Positive infinity of type float.