Source code for deephaven_server.start_jvm

# Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending

import glob
import itertools
import os
import pathlib

from deephaven_internal import jvm

# TODO(deephaven-core#2592): Generalize start_jvm to work with importlib.resources

def _jars_path():
    return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'jars'

def _compiler_directives():
    return _jars_path() / 'dh-compiler-directives.txt'

def _default_vmoptions():
    return _jars_path() / 'dh-default.vmoptions'

def _jars():
    return _jars_path().glob('*.jar')

    # Default to no init scripts, the built-in py init script will prevent using python stdin
    'PythonDeephavenSession.initScripts': '',
    # TODO (deephaven-core#XXXX) this doesn't work yet
    # # Disable the browser console by default, this is not yet well supported
    # 'deephaven.console.disable': 'true',
    'LoggerFactory.silenceOnProcessEnvironment': 'true',
    'stdout.toLogBuffer': 'false',
    'stderr.toLogBuffer': 'false',
    'logback.configurationFile': 'logback-minimal.xml',
    # Disable the JVM's signal handling for interactive python consoles - if python will
    # not be handling signals like ctrl-c (for KeyboardInterrupt), this should be safe to
    # remove for a small performance gain.

    # Disable JIT in certain cases

# Provide a util func to start the JVM, will use its own defaults if none are offered
[docs] def start_jvm( jvm_args = None, jvm_properties = None, java_home = None, extra_classpath = [], propfile: str = None, config = None): """ This function uses the default DH property file to embed the Deephaven server and starts a Deephaven Python Script session. """ jvm_args = jvm_args or DEFAULT_JVM_ARGS jvm_properties = jvm_properties or DEFAULT_JVM_PROPERTIES java_home = java_home or os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME', None) system_properties = dict() if propfile: # Build jvm system properties starting with defaults we accept as args system_properties.update({ 'Configuration.rootFile': propfile }) # Append user-created args, allowing them to override these values system_properties.update(jvm_properties) # Expand the classpath, so a user can resolve wildcards expanded_classpath = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(e, recursive=True) for e in extra_classpath)) # The full classpath is the classpath needed for our server + the expanded extra classpath jvm_classpath = [str(jar) for jar in _jars()] + expanded_classpath # Append args that, if missing, could cause the jvm to be misconfigured for deephaven and its dependencies # TODO make these less required (i.e. at your own risk, remove them) required_jvm_args = [ # Allow access to java.nio.Buffer fields '--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED', # Allow our hotspot-impl project to access internals '', # Allow our clock-impl project to access internals '--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED', ] if jvm_args is None: jvm_args = required_jvm_args else: jvm_args.extend(required_jvm_args) jvm.init_jvm( java_home=java_home, # jvm_dll=jvm_dll, jvm_classpath=jvm_classpath, jvm_properties=system_properties, jvm_options=jvm_args, # config_file=config_file, config=config) import jpy jpy.VerboseExceptions.enabled = True